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Toplam 70 kayıt bulunmuştur Gösterilen 1-20 / Aktif Sayfa : 1
Ахмет Каплан - автор множества справочных и учебных пособий по турецкому языку. Его книги позволяют овладеть языком с нуля и перейти к чтению турецких текстов.Данный самоучитель поможет в краткий срок овладеть лексическим и грамматическим минимумом начального уровня и простыми формами разговорной речи. Материал курса разбит на 20 уроков, в которых представлены основные темы грамматики и полезная лексика, необходимая в повседневном общении. Для отработки практических навыков предлагается большое количество у
534 TL.
Dannyy samouchitel' pomozhet v korotkiy srok osvoit' leksicheskiy i grammaticheskiy minimum nachal'nogo urovnya i prostyye formy razgovornoy rechi. Kurs sostoit iz 12 urokov. V kazhdom uroke predstavleny osnovnyye grammaticheskiye temy i poleznaya leksika, neobkhodimaya v povsednevnom obshchenii. Dlya otrabotki prakticheskikh navykov predlagayutsya uprazhneniya s otvetami. V kontse knigi vy naydete poleznyye prilozheniya i russko-turetskiy slovar'. Kniga adresovana vsem, kto khochet v kratkiye sroki ovladet
567 TL.
Vse slozhnosti v prostyh shemah. Dannoye spravochnoye izdaniye pomozhet samostoyatel'no, bez pomoshchi prepodavatelya ovladet' osnovnymi pravilami turetskogo yazyka. Kazhdaya glava vklyuchayet razbor grammaticheskoy temy, soprovozhdayetsya primerami i poyasneniyami, a naglyadnyye tablitsy pomogut luchshe zapomnit' osnovnyye pravila i nachat' primenyat' ikh na praktike. Material dopolnen poleznymi prilozheniyami, spiskom Svodesha i turetsko-russkim slovarem."Turetskaya grammatika bez repetitora. Vse slozhnos
401 TL.
Nauchites' ponimat' turetskiy na slukh s posobiyem "Turetskiy yazyk. Noveyshiy samouchitel' s audiokursom"! Ves' audiokurs ozvuchen nositelyami yazyka, poetomu vy smozhete postavit' pravil'noye proiznosheniye, a blagodarya bol'shomu kolichestvu uprazhneniy vy nauchites' ponimat' turetskuyu rech'. Serap Ozmen Kal'mutskaya okonchila Ankarskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet i Moskovskiy pedagogicheskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet. Ona prepodavatel' s mnogoletnim stazhem, razrabotchik sobstvennoy metodiki prepodav
734 TL.
75 TL.
Come On, Everyone! is a six-level coursebook series that gives elementary school students a confident start to learning English. With task based activities and vivid illustrations, Come On, Everyone inspires students to develop 21st Century Skills. Each Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) lesson instructs students about real-life, applicable subjects while fostering their English language acquisition. Features  Creative individualized activities, projects, and presentations provide great opport
235 TL.
Come On, Everyone! is a six-level coursebook series that gives elementary school students a confident start to learning English. With task based activities and vivid illustrations, Come On, Everyone inspires students to develop 21st Century Skills. Each Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) lesson instructs students about real-life, applicable subjects while fostering their English language acquisition. Features  Creative individualized activities, projects, and presentations provide great opport
98 TL.
A three-level writing series to help students develop their ideas into well-organized paragraphs and essays. Book 1 Paragraph Writing Book 2 Organization Patterns Book 3 Essay Writing Features  A process writing approach to encourage independent writing  Two writing models for each paragraph and essay structure  Essential writing skills practice for different writing types  Easy-to-understand descriptions of organizational patterns  Step-by-step guided writing tasks  Graphic organizers for all writing
220 TL.
A three-level writing series to help students develop their ideas into well-organized paragraphs and essays. Book 1 Paragraph Writing Book 2 Organization Patterns Book 3 Essay Writing Features  A process writing approach to encourage independent writing  Two writing models for each paragraph and essay structure  Essential writing skills practice for different writing types  Easy-to-understand descriptions of organizational patterns  Step-by-step guided writing tasks  Graphic organizers for all writing
220 TL.
A three-level writing series to help students develop their ideas into well-organized paragraphs and essays. Book 1 Paragraph Writing Book 2 Organization Patterns Book 3 Essay Writing Features  A process writing approach to encourage independent writing  Two writing models for each paragraph and essay structure  Essential writing skills practice for different writing types  Easy-to-understand descriptions of organizational patterns  Step-by-step guided writing tasks  Graphic organizers for all writing
220 TL.
A three-book series providing detailed guided writing practice for beginner students Features  A step-by-step guided writing approach  Two model texts in each lesson  Various writing genres including essays, video scripts, diary entries, blog posts, and more  Graphic organizers with detailed guidance  Abundant vocabulary for confident self-expression  Interesting and engaging topics related to students' real lives  Fun and colorful images to introduce topics and key expressions Online Resources  MP3
210 TL.
A three-book series providing detailed guided writing practice for beginner students Features  A step-by-step guided writing approach  Two model texts in each lesson  Various writing genres including essays, video scripts, diary entries, blog posts, and more  Graphic organizers with detailed guidance  Abundant vocabulary for confident self-expression  Interesting and engaging topics related to students' real lives  Fun and colorful images to introduce topics and key expressions Online Resources  MP3
210 TL.
A three-book series providing detailed guided writing practice for beginner students Features  A step-by-step guided writing approach  Two model texts in each lesson  Various writing genres including essays, video scripts, diary entries, blog posts, and more  Graphic organizers with detailed guidance  Abundant vocabulary for confident self-expression  Interesting and engaging topics related to students' real lives  Fun and colorful images to introduce topics and key expressions Online Resources  MP3
210 TL.
Lighting is a discipline that is necessary for all living things and determines the quality of life. In recent years, besides the obligatory use of lighting, its visuality is also considered important, and therefore the concept of lighting design has emerged. Lighting design is classified as industrial areas, highways and pedestrian roads, building facades, sports centers, shopping areas, historical areas and objects, parking lots, interior areas, and each has different parameters in accordance with standar
45 TL.
Bu eserde, uygulamalı yazı alıştırmaları, ayet, hadis ve Arap şiirden örneklerle sarf ve nahiv kuralları, harekeli örnek cümleler ve okuma metinleri, konuları pekiştirici zengin alıştırmalar, her dersin sonunda konu ile ilgili nükte/şiir/atasözü örnekleri ve Türkçe çevirileriyle birlikte ek okuma metinleri ve şiir seçkisi yer alıyor. Kitabın ekler bölümünde de ayrıca, renkler, gün-ay, mevsimler adları, sayılar, sözlük kullanımı, sarf/nahiv ilmi ile ilgili bazı ıstılahlar, kitap sözlüğü, Türkçe çevirileriyle
60 TL.
Ebul Hasen Ali Nedvi 1914-1999 yılları arasında yaşamış Hindistanlı bir alimdir. Kasasun Nebiyyin Ebul Hasen Ali Nedvi'nin aslında dört cilt şeklinde hazırladığı; daha sonra tek ciltte topladığı çalışmadır. Kitabın içeriğini Peygamberlerin kıssaları oluşturmaktadır. Günümüzde ibtidai talebelerinin ders kitabı olarak okutulmaktadır. Arapça dilini geliştirmenin yanı sıra peygamberler tarihini öğrenmeye katkı sağlayan bir eserdir.
35 TL.
The book Teaching with Guided Imagery Activities aims to provide the teachers with recommendations to create nontraditional activities for classroom usage. The term imagery refers to mental images/pictures/animations that students experience in their minds. The term guided, on the other hand, modifies these mental images in that they are developed by the students in guidance of the teacher. These images are created voluntarily, therefore different from the other types of images that involuntarily come into
26 TL.
Эмгекте кыргыз профессионалдык адабиятынын тарыхында, өзгөчө проза жанрында өзүнүн татыктуу орду бар, көрүнүктүү жазуучу, агартуучу, публицист Аман Саспаев менен боордош түрк элинин таанымал жазуучусу, дипломат, коомдук жана саясий ишмер Мемдух Шевкет Эсендалдын аңгемелери салыштырма-типологиялык негизде талдоого алынып, тема системалуу түрдө кылдат изилденген. Аталган чебер жазуучулардын аңгемелеринин салыштыруу жолу менен терең изилдениши ошол эле убакта кыргыз адабияты жана түрк адабиятынын аңгеме жанрын
45 TL.
Come On, Everyone! is a six-level coursebook series that gives elementary school students a confident start to learning English. With task based activities and vivid illustrations, Come On, Everyone inspires students to develop 21st Century Skills. Each Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) lesson instructs students about real-life, applicable subjects while fostering their English language acquisition. Creative individualized activities, projects, and presentations provide great opportunities fo
235 TL.
Sadece stokta olanlar : 
Toplam 70 kayıt bulunmuştur Gösterilen 1-20 / Aktif Sayfa : 1