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Toplam 31 kayıt bulunmuştur Gösterilen 20-40 / Aktif Sayfa : 2
Tüm zamanların en muhteşem süper kahramanı Kaptan Düşükdon’la tanışın! Dünya gezegeni için karanlık ve belirsiz bir zamandı. Kötü adamlar, sokakları ele geöirmiş ve dünyadaki tüm süper kahramanlar kötülükle savaşamayacak kadar yaşlanmıştı. İşte tam o sırada ekstra güçlü, yeni, gelişmiş bir süper kahraman ortaya çıktı: Kaptan Düşükdon. O, hızlı bir kemerden daha hızlı, boksör şortundan daha güçlüydü. Kaptan düşükdon, adalet, dürüstlük, çekmiş ve pamuklu her şey için savaşarak gece-güngüz şehri gözledi.
100 TL.
George ve Harold bu kez gerçekten yaptılar... Bir CANAVAR yarattılar! Dünyanın şimdiye kadar gördüklerinden daha hızlı, daha akıl-lı ve çok daha kötü; onun adı, Külotkapan Kötü Kadın! Korkunç robotlarının ve korkunç saç modelinin yardımıyla, Külotkapan Kadın dünyayı ele geçirmek için önüne çıkan herkesin külodunu çekiyor Kaptan Düşükdon dahil. Külotkapan Kadının hain yöntemleri üç kahramanımızın sonu mu olacak? Bunu öğrenmek için kitabı okumalısınız. Ve bu arada... arkanızı kollayın!
138 TL.
Kaptan Düşükdon, önce şeytan Dr. Bebekbezi´ni yendi, sonra da korkunç, konuşan tuvaletleri yok etti... Şimdi ise kendi canını kurtar-mak için savaşıyor. Bakalım Kaptan Düşükdon ve yaratıcıları George´la Harold, tüm dünyayı ele geçirmeye çalışan kılık değiştirmiş üç dev uzaylıyla nasıl savaşacak? Şimdi, olayları derinlemesine inceleyip Kaptan Düşükdon´un uzaylı macerasında neler yaptığını öğrenme zamanı. YAZAR HAKKINDA Dav Pilkey çocukken, öğretmenleri onun yaramaz ve davranış bozukluğuna sahip biri olduğunu
100 TL.
Dog Man is still learning a few tricks of the trade. Petey the Cat is out of the bag, and his criminal curiosity is taking the city by storm. Something fishy is going on! Can Dog Man unleash justice on this ruffian in time to save the city, or will Petey get away with the purr-fect crime? Dav Pilkey's wildly popular Dog Man series appeals to readers of all ages and explores universally positive themes, including empathy, kindness, persistence, and the importance of being true to one's self.
182 TL.
When we last saw our heroes, George and Harold, they had been turned into evil zombie nerds doomed to roam a devastated, postapocalyptic planet for all eternity. But why, you might ask, didn't the amazing Captain Underpants save the boys from this frightening fate? Because Tippy Tinkletrousers and his time-traveling hijinks prevented George and Harold from creating Captain Underpants in the first place! Now, having changed the course of human history forever, they'll have to figure out a way to CHANGE I
114 TL.
When we last saw George and Harold, they were about to take their pet pterodactyl, Crackers, back to the Cretaceous period in the Purple Potty time machine. But things didn't work out quite as they had hoped. They've entered an absurd alternative reality where teachers are nice, kids are allowed to read banned books, and the cafeteria food doesn't smell like dirty diapers. Even worse, they've discovered alternative versions of themselves - Evil George and Evil Harold - who plan to unleash some preposter
84 TL.
George and Harold thought they were beyond boogers. Their new pet, Sulu the Bionic Hamster, had defeated the Bionic Booger Boy, and through the wonders of science, Melvin Sneedly had been brought back to normal (well, almost normal). It looked like their last adventure was actually going to have a happy ending... except for one thing (well, three things) -- the Ridiculous Robo-Boogers. Now George, Harold, and their buddies are on the run -- with the Robo-Boogers in hot, gooey pursuit! Will the boys get
84 TL.
When the Incredible Robo-Plunger defeated the evil Turbo Toilet 2000, George and Harold thought their toilet troubles were over. Unfortunately, their porcelain problems were only beginning . . . Just when you thought it was safe to flush . . . The Turbo Toilet 2000 strikes back! The carnivorous commode known for devouring everything in its path has built up a real appetite . . . for REVENGE! Join Captain Underpants for another epic showdown of Wedgie Power vs. Potty Power as our tighty-whitey-wearing s
56 TL.
George and Harold have really done it this time: They've created a monster! She's faster, stronger, and smarter than anything the world has seen before: She's Wedgie Woman! With the help of her horrible robots and her horrendous hairdo, Wedgie Woman is on a mission to take over the world, and she'll give a whopping wedgie to anyone who stands in her way, including Captain Underpants. Will Wedgie Woman's wicked ways spell the end for our heroes? You'll have to read the book to find out. And in the meant
84 TL.
The fourth Captain Underpants adventure like you've never seen it before: in full color! Professor Pippy P. Poopypants may well be the greatest scientific genius the world has ever known. Unfortunately, he has such a silly name that nobody takes him seriously! He's been laughed out of every university in the world. In fact, the only place that'll hire him is Jerome Horwitz Elementary School. Professor Poopypants is certain that schoolchildren would never laugh at his name. Kids are so accepting and lov
84 TL.
The third Captain Underpants adventure like you've never seen it before: in FULL COLOR! George and Harold have played a trick or two on nearly everyone at Jerome Horwitz Elementary. When their latest prank causes the school's cranky cafeteria ladies to quit, Mr. Krupp hires a trio of unusual replacements, who happen to look an awful lot like aliens! Will that curtain-caped crusader, Captain Underpants, save the day once more? Or will those outer-space cafeteria ladies have him for lunch?
84 TL.
Sadece stokta olanlar : 
Toplam 31 kayıt bulunmuştur Gösterilen 20-40 / Aktif Sayfa : 2